[BASH] Make multiple screenshots into one image(tile, mosaic) by using ffmpeg To make multiple screenshots and place them into a single image file (creating tiles), you can use FFmpeg's tile video filter, like this:ffmpeg -ss 00:00:10 -i movie.avi -frames 1 -vf "select=not(mod(n\,1000)),scale=320:240,tile=2x3" out.png That will seek 10 seconds into the movie, select every 1000th frame, scale it to 320x240 pixels and create 2x3 tiles in the output image out.png, which will.. 더보기 애플 스크립트를 이용한 이메일 보내기 with 첨부파일. Sending an Email with attachments using AppleScript tell application "Mail" set theSubject to "제목을 넣어준다." -- the subject set theContent to "본문에 들어갈 내용을 적는다" -- the content set theAddress to "수신인의 메일 주소를 적는다" -- the receiver -- set theSignatureName to "시그너쳐 이름을 넣어준다." -- the signature name set theAttachmentFile to "SH:Users:SH:Desktop:ScreenShots:1.png" -- 첨부파일의 경로를 설정한다. set msg to make new outg.. 더보기 관리자권한으로 cron 설정하기. It's easy to use. If you want to run cron job as super user(administrator), follow the below command. sudo crontab -eAdd just 'sudo' before crontab. It'll work on your system. 더보기 이전 1 ··· 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ··· 99 다음