crontab 썸네일형 리스트형 관리자권한으로 cron 설정하기. It's easy to use. If you want to run cron job as super user(administrator), follow the below command. sudo crontab -eAdd just 'sudo' before crontab. It'll work on your system. 더보기 Advanced scheduling of Mac OS Wake and Sleep Time Mac OS has a settings panel that allows you to schedule the Wake, Sleep and Shutdown time for your Mac, but there is only one sche dule allowed, everyday, or every friday, or every weekend, and so on. I wanted a different wake and shutdown time for the weekend and weekdays. This is possible using cron, and the command line tool pmset. The crontab below wakes the Mac up at 5pm every weekday and s.. 더보기 이전 1 다음